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Patient Resources //

It is important that whichever Physiotherapist you choose, they are registered with the Health Professions Council, HCPC, much like a Dr must be registered with the general medical council. To check this you can visit their website

You can also get useful information from the following locations. - chartered society of physiotherapy, patient information and advice - NHS choices website, reliable information on health conditions - information set up by GP's consultants and physiotherapists in Sheffield to allow you to help yourself





Testimonials- what our patients say //


Since the last visit I have been pain free and managing any discomfort with plenty of exercises and good posture. I couldn’t have asked for more.


Laura has completely changed my perception about physiotherapy and physiotherapists. No longer do I think that they are cold and mechanical and not really interested unless there is a very serious or notorious injury. Laura was warm and attentive from the start and really took the time to listen to all my symptoms. And the best, for me, is that she explained things clearly and in a logical manner so I knew exactly what was happening at every step of treatment. I felt included in the process and that has made me carry on without her these past weeks, which is fabulous. To top it off, she was always cheerful and positive, always willing to take me a little bit further and look out for me a little bit further (the acupuncture for the morning sickness was a godsend!). 

I can't thank her enough


A.R Sheffield


As a keen runner I always have niggles and am always training for the next big race. In the past I have taken a , 'lets patch it up' attitude to my injuries or have thought I could sort them myself by reading off the internet. Laura and Sarah Lou have taught me how injury prevention can help me address things before they stop me from acheiving my goals, I want to run into my 80's and by futurproofing my body I intend to do just that. The best thing is they have given me strategies so that I only need to see them '' in case of an emergency' . Thanks Ladies

KRW Sheffield


Why FREE consultation calls

We want to help as many people as possible and realise that choosing a Physiotherapist is like choosing a hairdresser- you need to trust us.

Also we need to make sure that we are the right fit for you too!

If we aren't or Physiotherapy isn't the right thing for you we will refer you to someone who is- so its a WIN WIN


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